Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

Normalization ERD

Normalization ERD

There is some awkwardness that can be seen from the picture on the ERD that was attached to the Quiz question, there is no cardinality between PART and Ternary & PROJECT and the relationship between dependent & PROJECT

ERD has a new improved

In the ERD that was diperbahaui, can be added 1-N cardinality on the PROJECT and the relationship, this is because, because, in the part 1 and can handle many PROJECT, PROJECT, and many can be handled by the Section 1

Tedapat goal ERD is making improvements; this is done on the table from the ERD mapping, the mapping of the table as much as possible in the form of mapping 2NF or 3NF this can occur if the process is done correctly.

1. First Normal Form (1NF)

First normal form (1NF) sets the very basic rules for an organized database. A normal form used in database normalization. A relational database table that adheres to 1NF is one that meets a certain minimum set of criteria. These criteria are basically concerned with ensuring that the table is a faithful representation of a relation and that it is free of repeating groups.

    • Eliminate duplicative columns from the same table.
    • Create separate tables for each group of related data and identify each row with a unique column or set of columns (the primary key).

2. NF normalization form(2NF)
1 NF form from above and with Functional Dependency happens then obtained a second 2NF normalization form as follows

3. NF normalization for (3NF)

2NF form from above and with Functional Dependency happens then obtained a second form of 3NF normalization as follows

4. Fourth Normal Form (4NF)

Finally, fourth normal form (4NF) has one additional requirement:

  • Meet all the requirements of the third normal form.
  • A relation is in 4NF if it has no multi-valued dependencies.

Remember, these normalization guidelines are cumulative. For a database to be in 2NF, it must first fulfill all the criteria of a 1NF database

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